Phil Mickelson, is he one of us?

mulligan, 04 June 2007, Comments Off on Phil Mickelson, is he one of us?
Categories: phil, tiger

NYT features a story on Phil titled “Just Like Us.” You should go read it.

One interesting passage:

“It is doubtless of small consolation to Mickelson, but the truth is that he is charming and appealing — lovable even — in a way that Woods never will be. And he’s more fun to watch. There’s something a little scary about the ferocity with which Tiger works — the concentration, the determination. He doesn’t need a gallery, you often feel, because his competitive fires are already burning with such intensity. He may not even notice that we’re there — except when some jerk snaps a picture at the wrong moment and then gets the death glance in return.

“Phil, on the other hand, seems to enjoy our presence — to feed on it — and he rewards our attention by being such an open book. You can tell how his round is going just by looking at him — the gleams of pleasure or else the sighs, the little head shakes. Always there’s the thrilling, unspoken question: Is the knucklehead going to emerge?”

What do you think — is this comparison fair?


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