Was Nadal v. Federer at Wimbledon better than Woods v. Mediate at U.S. Open?

mulligan, 06 July 2008, Comments Off on Was Nadal v. Federer at Wimbledon better than Woods v. Mediate at U.S. Open?
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Already the sports reporters are suggesting that Rafael Nadal’s 5-set victory over No. 1 Roger Federer, ending his streak of 5 straight Wimbledon wins, in what was the longest finals ever at Wimbledon will go down as the BEST finals ever in the history of Wimbledon.

When the 5-sets were 6-4, 6-4, 6-7, 6-7, 9-7, with the World’s No. 2 player over the World’s No. 1 player (who had not lost a set at Wimbledon this year), well, it’s hard to disagree.

My question is this: how will history rank Nadal-Federer Wimbledon 2008 against Tiger Woods-Rocco Mediate at the U.S. Open 2008? Which “major” victory will be considered as the greater victory in their respective sports? It’s true Tiger was playing with a torn ACL, but it’s hard to overlook the fact that Nadal v. Federer involved No.2 versus No.1 in the finals, plus the already storied rivalry Nadal and Federer have built up. So dear reader, you tell us which was the more historic major victory this year.


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