Tiger Woods speaks proudly about the victory of Barack Obama

mulligan, 09 November 2008, Comments Off on Tiger Woods speaks proudly about the victory of Barack Obama
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News: USA Today has just reported on Sunday what appears to be Tiger Woods’s first public comments on Barack Obama’s historic victory on Tuesday. The comments were made on Saturday — so The Golf Blog is very sorry for the last post suggesting that Tiger had not yet commented on the Election (it had just not been published at the time of our post).

Here’s what the USA Today reports:

“It will be one of the great days in America to see a man of color in the White House.” Woods said Obama’s victory pleased him and it would have pleased his father, the late Earl Woods, who was a retired Army officer.

“My father hoped he would see a man of color elected president in his lifetime,” Woods said. “He didn’t see it, but I hoped that I would see it.”


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