Is it time for change to the PGA Tour?

mulligan, 31 December 2008, Comments Off on Is it time for change to the PGA Tour?
Categories: Uncategorized

As 2009 approaches, and Barack Obama will soon be sworn in, it’s a good time to think about change and possible changes to the PGA Tour. The Golf Blog will offer its own thoughts soon, but we wanted to get your views, too. Here are a few questions to get the conversation started.

1. Should the PGA Tour golf season shorten its grueling 9 month schedule, to 7 months, especially if such a change might prolong Tiger Woods’s career and knee from wear and tear?

2. Should the contrived and uninspired Fedex Cup playoff system, with its $10 million payouts to Tiger Woods and Vijay Singh so far, be completely scrapped, especially in today’s economy?

3. Should the PGA tour lower the cost of admission to its events so that Joe the Plumber and average people can afford it?

4. Should PGA Commissioner Tim Finchem, the guy who came up with the extravagant idea for the FedEx Cup, step down?


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