The Golf Blog: Tiger Woods says Muirfield is one of toughest courses in Scotland

mulligan, 15 July 2013, Comments Off on The Golf Blog: Tiger Woods says Muirfield is one of toughest courses in Scotland
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The Golf Blog says: Tiger Woods blogged a couple days ago, saying this elbow is fine and his “full go” for the British Open. He also thinks that Muirfield, the site of this week’s Open Championship, is tough:

“Muirfield is one of the hardest courses in Scotland. The front nine is basically played clockwise and the back nine is played counter-clockwise and on the inside of the front nine. You have to shape the golf ball both ways, and you never know what’s going to come off that water as far as wind. It can change directions. If the wind switches, you can be aggressive on certain holes and others you have to be conservative. That’s the neat thing about a British Open: You just never know what type of conditions you’re going to get each day.”


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